Monday, June 11, 2007

A tag... a 4 year meme~

Christi over at jealous hands tagged me for this meme.

You share four things that were new to you in the past four years. Four things you learned or experienced or explored for the first time in the past four years. New house, new school, new hobby, new spouse, new baby, whatever. Then you have to list four new things you want to try or do in the next four years.

Four new things I learned or experienced in the past four years:

  1. I experienced a situation that no man, no doctor, no person could do anything about. Only God had an answer to this problem and I learned to lean fully on Him.
  2. I learned that I place a lot of blame on myself and I have to learn to forgive myself like I forgive other people. I never thought this was important. I know that I must forgive always, but neglected to forgive myself.
  3. I experienced a world filled with therapists and medical things of which I never knew...
  4. I learned that doctors do not have all the answers, as our Izzy has proven them wrong time and time again.
Four things that I want to try or do in the next four years:

  1. See Izzy walk, talk etc.
  2. Get in shape both physically and mentally... by feasting on God's word, filling my body with only good things, and exercising.
  3. Draw closer to God.
  4. I want to write a series of children's books. I have tons of ideas! I took creative writing in college and wrote a lot of short stories, etc... but would like to write bible based fun creative children's books.

If you are interested in doing this meme, consider yourself tagged... just let me know so I can come read yours too.


Anonymous said...

(((Annie))) ~ Yes, forgiving yourself is so very important. You are worth the forgiveness! :o)

It's amazing how much can change in 4 years! It will be so wonderful to look back again, in 4 years, and see where Izzy is! I think you'll be amazed at the progress!! :o)