Friday, January 11, 2008


What's your favorite exercise option? I know Nancy jogs very early in the morning ... I can't see that ever happening! Jenna does curves... I think I just read Kim started that too. I am getting ready to start moving more, just looking for options!

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Busy Bee Lauren said...

WINDSOR PILATES! I would post my before and after...but...that would be tormenting!

Sonya said...

My mom did pilates also and she lost alot of weight. She's very trim now. She bought a video and does it each night in front of her television. I think I am even going to ask to borrow it to see if I can make it work for me!

Irene said...

Walking is the cheepest, most straight forward, less impact on joints exercise.
The treadmill is the alternative on rainy days, or when one feels blah about going out.
I have done yoga for many years, and it is good for both body and mind. I wouldn't buy on eof those mystic tapes though, like Kripalu, for example. Now that i have seen the light, I do not like the religious undertones. My favorite is Barbara Currie. She was on BBC and I liked her style. She is mature, so I am not intimidated by the youthful California kind of looks many presenters sport.
However, Geri Halliwell, the singer, has produced a couple of DVDs that I have liked alot. Good practice, doable and down to earth.
Hope you find what fits best!

ohAmanda said...

I like dvd's too. I can do them anytime and I don't have to look stupid in front of anyone else (except maybe Lydia).

I really like yoga/pilates. When I was in the best shape of my life (and doing lots of different exercises) that's what got me into it--yoga/pilates. So, whenever I fall off that exercise wagon, I always pick back up with y/p. Because I really like it.

I will NEVER like kick-boxing, spinning or running like a crazy person. So, that will NEVER be my New Year's resolution.

Find what you like! I'm interested to know what it is...

gail@more than a song said...

I usually walk every day, 5-6 days a week about 2 1/2 miles or so. I need to get some dvd's though to use when the weather doesn't cooperate.

Nancy Face said...

With the colder weather, running is NOT so fun, haha! We are going a couple times a week, whatever time of day works out. My favorite exercise options are aerobics routines and Winsor Pilates on the house! :)