Thursday, October 25, 2007

it's thursday...

This day started a little rough. Emelia woke up late and told me she needed to dress as a book character for school today, for her Fall party. Which basically means the Halloween party at school. I didn't realize (being mom of the year and all) that the party was today rather than, well... you know ... on HALLOWEEN! Amanda plans her costumes so far in advance, she plans every little detail down to her eyelashes. Emelia is a bit different. She just digs through the big box of costumes of years past when it makes it's yearly appearance from the attic. She finds something interesting and claims it. She was the most beautiful Snow White ever in Kindergarten. I ordered the prettiest gown from Disney and with her hair color and complexion she was breathtakingly beautiful! Really. Last year she was "glamor witch" which is basically a witch with a lot of feathers. I am opposed to anything "scary" or "evil" ... but there wasn't anything scary or evil about this outfit, trust me! Anyway, she looked in the box several weeks ago and said she was going to be glamor witch again. Fine by me. The problem this morning was that the character had to be a book character. I didn't have time to find a book about a glamorous witch so I knew we were in trouble. I convinced her to stay home for the morning so that we could figure this out.

Let me back up a bit. We have well water. Our well or more specifically our pressure tank has been acting crazy lately and we have been planning to replace it when needed. Today it is needed. This morning as Matt showered and the kids all did their teeth brushing and face washing the kitchen lights began flickering which is never good. Never. We turned the power off on the breaker box to the well and Matt left for work. That left me with no water.

Okay, back to Emelia. I had also signed up to send a treat of some kind to the party. This would all be so simple if it was next Wednesday as my weekend to do list included... Emelia's costume for school and school snacks... SO, Emelia had Minnie ears from our recent Disney trip. I remembered Amanda was Minnie around Emelia's age and HALLELUJAH there was a minnie costume in the box! Yippee! Missing the tail, and the black tights, and the white gloves, and the black turtleneck. But we did have the ears, the dress, and the bloomers... and it was so cute! I made a dash to the store and got all the missing pieces along with snacks for the class and raced home to put it all together, iron, sew some spots that were broken loose from all the crazy trick-or-treating of past... and off we went to school.

I walked her in only to be told that she had to be dressed in plain clothes for school until 2 p.m. No exceptions. I'm like... but, but, but... :o) I said, "Can she take the ears and gloves off? Then it is just basically a red polka dotted dress over black leggings?" NOPE was the answer. It's still a costume! UGH. You know, this is one of those times you want your kids to remember the grace and politeness you carry so I simply smiled and thanked them for their time... and we left. I suggested to Emelia we just come back at 2, but oh no... she couldn't miss another second of school. So I brought her home, had her change into some pants, and put the dress on a hanger. Back to school! That was all before 11 a.m. ya'll! Poor Izzy was run ragged this morning :o)!

I just hope this silly water situation is resolved. TODAY. It is really hard to be without water. I kept Izzy home today because I couldn't give her a bath etc. Very frustrating.


Anonymous said...

Crazy day for you for sure!! I hope your water situation is an easy fix!!!

Did you remember to take a pic of her?

My Trendy Tykes said...

WOW, Sounds like a very hectic day.


Melissa in Mel's World said...


You poor thing...I have had SO MANY of those days I can't even keep count. (Do you think our kids keep count???) - Ha!

I love your site...I popped over here from Sue at Praise & Coffee...

I also noticed that you have a "Bailey" in your house as well...mine is an 11 year old Boy...what about you?

Looking forward to popping over more...

Take Care,

Yvonne said...

Wow, what a fun day!!! Hope your water situation is resolved quickly!!!

Busy Bee Lauren said...

WHat a crazy day!! That is so fun that Amanda plans her costumes far ahead like that! I kinda do that too..

Anonymous said...

WOW! That was an exciting morning! Our fall party is tomorrow. I was surprised it wasn't on Halloween too, but I think they do that so they can say it is a Fall party and not a Halloween party. I bet Minnie turned out great!

Natalie said...

Aah, the days of fall parties.. none of my kids get to have those anymore!

I'm glad you got it all worked out and hope the water is working fine now.

Haley said...

Crazy day! hope the water issue was worked out!

HomeSchool Mommy said...

WOW! How fun! How bizarre that the party is not on Halloween!!! Do they have school tomorrow? If so, why wouldn't the party have at least been on a Friday? So strange! AND...if they can't dress up until 2, why dress up at all? How difficult for everyone to bring their costumes and then have to take time out of the day for everyone to go change...


And, I hope your water is resolved soon, too. I would HATE to be without it!!!!

Justabeachkat said...

Bless your heart. And Izzy Bear's too. I feel guilty now since I just posted about how wonderful my day was. That's life though...some days are full of frustration and other days are full of perfection. I hope you have a better day tomorrow and that your water problem is resolved quickly.


ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

Girl, we have well water too and I feel for you on that one. Every time we lose power (which for some reason is often) we lose water too. It's the worst.
I'm sorry about the school. I'm having a really hard time keeping up with both boys schools and the activities there. I feel like a crazy lady. Hugs to you and I hope that Friday is better and that your water is fixed.

Nancy Face said...

OH...MY...GOODNESS! My jaw dropped when you said all that crazy stuff had taken place before 11 in the morning! You amaze me, girl! The book character party is a fun idea, but hard on moms! I hope you got a picture of Emelia in her Minnie cuteness! And I REALLY hope the water situation is fixed as quickly as possible! :-0

Dust-bunny said...

Oh, Annie, what a frustrating morning! I think most moms, at one point or another, have days like these. Both of my kids are famous for waiting until the "last minute"...I remember having days like these when I was a single mom, and I didn't handle it nearly as well as you...I'd usually end up in tears! And I'm sure you had to drag little Izzy all over with're a strong woman. You should be very proud of yourself.

Hyperactive Lu said...

Wow! I'm exhausted just reading the post!

Karen said...

I can relate. Em had a birthday/costume party to attend last Saturday. all she talked about was being a bobby-soxer. I literally bought the last pieces of her costume that morning. Nothing was right -- the shoes didn't fit right, she didn't like the blouse, blahblahblah, so she yanked the old standby witch costume out of the box and went as a pretty witch. Now, I get to return the shoes, the blouse. . .

Karen Hossink said...

Good for you for keeping your cool. I am quite sure I would have walked out of there in tears...

ohAmanda said...

Oh, Annie! What an unbelievable day! I hope you got some rest after all that!

Anonymous said...

Wow Annie you were busy.
Now it is time to relax.

Tori :) said...

Your a much nicer mom than me. YOu rock Annie.

Michelle said...

oh my goodness, I can't believe you managed to get that all done by 11AM! I hope you told Emelia that next time she needs to tell/remind you before the morning of that she needs a costume LOL