Tuesday, June 19, 2007

diet devo day ten! & a giveaway!

Wow, another busy day has begun. I'm finishing up feeding Iz her breakfast, Melody is coming over on her lunch break for a cut and highlights (and fyi I am not a hairdresser, it's just a hobby)...
I was watching "little people, big world" while feeding iz, if you watch it... did you see the little guy Matt helped get adopted, he has so much expression in his little eyes that it brought tears to my eyes. I've noticed since Izzy's accident, because I have to really look for her cues and gestures so closely that I am in tune more with children. I see moms at the store with their kids being "bratty" and can see what they need, while their moms just look so aggravated with them. I want to scream, he's tired, or he just wants a cookie. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a 'softy' (too much) with my other kids... but, it is interesting what you can read in a persons face when you really look at them rather than past them. I cannot wait for Izzy to just simply tell me what she wants, although I'm getting really good at guessing and working with her body language... She's a doll and I love her very much. I can't believe this is day ten on the diet devos. I think I'm doing pretty well. I weighed this morning and I think I have lost a couple of pounds. That's good. I even walked again last night. I want to make it a habit to get up and walk after Matt leaves for work, especially while it is summer and the kids can sit with Iz and maybe one can go with me? But, there is always something going on. There is a 24 hour gym locally I have though about joining. I joined curves for a year and we were out of town so much doing hyperbarics with Iz I didn't get to go as much as I wanted. I did enjoy it and felt like I gained a lot of strength and I know I lost a lot of inches. I want to be fit, like I am visualizing breaking out of this shell that is around my body, does that make sense? Maybe not, it's hard to explain... well, here's the devo for today.
I picked a copy up for Mandalyn yesterday and I got an extra so if you are interested in it leave a comment telling me why you want it and I'll randomly send it to one of ya'll!

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Romans 12:2

The stomach is a spoiled brat. When we miss even one meal, it kicks up a fuss and makes us feel as though we're going to starve. Of course, we're in no danger whatsoever, but once our stomachs get started, it is hard to ignore them. To diet means to engage in mind over matter. We need to realize that we can get by on a lot less food than we actually eat. We need to renew our mind, change our thinking, and decide that we're not going to be made a slave to our stomachs. We resent it when someone else tries to control us. Why should we so easily succumb to our own stomachs? When we refuse to be ruled by anything but the spirit of God, then we truly please Him.

Today's thought: God can liberate us from slavery to the stomach!


Jenny said...

oh,oh,oh,....pick me!!!
I neeeeeeeed it. Oh, I so need it. I'm a sucker for a devotion that steps on my toes, or in this case, pinches my love handles. I'm a slave to my stomach and I need that Word to cut me loose.
I want my own copy so the hubs can read along with me, and the kids can hear and see us following the Word.

Susan said...

I loved your comments about seeing what the children need by really looking. I am pretty good about "reading between the lines" of what people are saying. Both of these gifts is a matter of caring and taking the time !! Loved todays devotion on weight, too. You are such a blessing, Annie. Glad I found you :o)

Robin Green said...

Ok--you should pick me--and I would share with coach J. I'm a big Curves fan--you should try it again. It might work out better this time.

Peculiar Blogs said...

Oh I would love it!! I am going backwards reading your posts on it, but I love what I have read. :-) I need something like this too.


Anonymous said...

Okay...do I really need to tell you why I need this devotional???? Uh...I need to lose 40 lbs. and I need BIG motivation to do it. I have really been helped by reading yours here. :) I really need it so that I can say I have conquered this issue with the Word and thanks to my friend Annie!

I am really in touch with children's needs too. I think it is from Grayson being so early and in the NICU for so long. The nurses used to say I knew better than them what he needed.

HomeSchool Mommy said...

Why do we need the book when you put it out here for us everyday? HaHa...just kidding. I really like reading it...I'll probably go get one for myself.

I'm "branching out" a bit from Annie's good mail group...I'll post about it later...you'll have to check it out.

Let me just tell you...my body is REALLY missing my Dr. Peppers, but mentally, I'm FINE. I can't believe it, but I haven't been tempted to grab one at all! My dad was here a couple of days ago, so I gave him the 24 pack I had just bought (I don't know if he'll drink them, but I know Chance will). Thursday will be one week without. YEA!

Anyway...I guess I'll quit "talking" your "ear" off now.

Have a great day!

ann said...

I would love to have a copy of the diet devo, but I can pick up my own if you will just post the Title and Author. I love reading the devos you've been posting, but a copy of my own would be great to carry with me in my purse - right alongside my new Bible I now carry - I will post a pic on my site!
I watch that show all the time and love it! I think it's a great family show even though I'm the only one watching it!

Jenileigh said...

WoW, I can't believe how bad I needed to hear what the diet devo said for today. Sunday and Monday were so easy for me I was thinking, why didn't I start this a long time ago!! But then today, I have wanted the things I cannot have. And I didn't want to stop eating once I was full either. I heard the deceiver speaking to me saying, "You don't have to do this today, you can take a day off, you are making too big of a deal out of this just give up!"

This devo gave me the encouragement I needed to keep going. Annie that is God! He always knows exactly what we need and when we need it.

I do understand what you are saying about getting in shape too. I have a great desire to be fit. I use to run track and lift weights. Why is it when we are young all of those things feel so good and when we get older its so hard?! LOL! Well my friend Thank-You! And I pray you have a blessed day!

Tori :) said...

You're doing awesome Annie!! I hear ya- Getting a workout squeezed in is such a challenge. Keep up the awesome work!

Corrie said...

I love Little People, Big World! I can honestly say that is my favorite show. I don't get to watch it regularly, but I have seen the episode where Matt helps the little guy get adopted. He was such a sweet little one. I just wanted to scoop him up and kiss him. I was so glad that he seemed to be going to a great home.

A Simple Wife said...

First, I want to say thank you for stopping by to see my menu for this week and leaving a note.

Next, I want to say that finding and reading the Diet Devotionals on your blog have been a kick in the butt for me. I knew my weight has been creeping back up but I was shocked the other morning when I stepped on the scale (after having to dust it off because I haven't used it in a year) and it read 276! This morning it was 277, and while I can blame that one pound gain on PMS, I can't blame the rest on it!

I spent some time thinking and decided that I need to start working out again. I wanted to make using my exercise bike fun again and did a lot of digging on the internet for ideas. I found one: a virtual tour across America. I started a blog (here: http://simplewifeexercise.blogspot.com/ ) to track my progress.

Thank you for being the kick I needed.


Anonymous said...


I love this reflection! I think it is great how even a tradgey in your own life can be used to teach you something so valuable about others.

I love that you are working on getting fit. I have been more motivated to do this also. I have just started out with a summer fit program that is done in the State of Indiana. I am on week two. I got a buddy to join me so that is good motivation as well.

Thanks for stopping by my place, I love getting visits!


Jane said...

Annie, I ditto all that Pennless said. And I feel the same pain when I see little ones being miss understood. I have always thought it was just me... that why can't the child's mother see what he/she needs. Not being a mother, I have always thought that it was something that all mom's could "read". I am encouraged to know that it is a gift from God.

Justabeachkat said...

Hi Annie

Congrats on getting some pounds off. I sure need/want to too! I love the daily devotionals. I used to go to Curves and loved it. After I broke two bones in my leg and had to lay off for awhile it's been hard getting back on track. But I will. Oh yes I will!



Sandra said...

Love the daily devotionals :)

I watch "Little People, Big World" too and I remember that episode with the little one getting adopted, I cried, he was the sweetest little thing and he looked so scared when he finally walked out of that building :)

Have a great day,

Jodi said...

Oh you just have to pick me!!! This just might give me the motivation to actually keep going with my diet!

Be blessed!
♥ Jodi

Tammy said...

I popped in from Corrie's but I think I was here once before...and somehow you never got bookmarked!
Anyway, just had to comment on Little People, Big World...not only am I addicted to this show, but we are sort of neighbors! Well...they don't live down the street but they live pretty close and we were just at their farm during Pumpkin season and took our picture with Matt.
If you stop and visit me, you might scroll through my archives from October- I posted on it!
And yes...I saw both show which featured that cute little guy who was being adopted by that nice couple, and my heart just melted...

So good to visit you, Annie...I'll be back! :)

Karen said...

Count me in as well. I really need the inspiration, and while it is very helpful to read the devos on the blog, having something I can take notes in would be really helpful. I too have been trying to get this weight off, but it seems to be the same or up a pound every week:( I know the stress of my oldests new health issues isn't helping, but that shouldn't be an excuse.

I too like Little People, Big World. Amy is such an inspiration. Its a nice family show.

Is Iz doing ESY? Aaron is in Mustang, and it is really helping him. We have also been to the zoo storytime a couple of times, and it was pretty cool. Email if you want more info.

I am also having a christian fiction giveaway right now, if you are interested.

Good night, enjoy the rain that is on its way!

Kim said...

I really needed to hear/read the devotional you put up today. It was a good swift kick in the pants. I lost 50 pounds about 3 years ago, but have put it all back on. Sometimes I feel so hopeless and try to rely on my own will to accomplish weight loss--only my own will is so weak. For some reason it doesn't always dawn on me to cry out to the Lord for help in this area--the thoughts you posted today gave my attitude an about face. It sounds like a wonderful little devotional. If I don't win it from you, I may have to go buy it!

Marcia Francois said...

Hi Annie

You can see I'm behind on my blog reading - I've just posted and worked on business this week. I found if I start browsing google reader, that's it for constructive work. It's just not going to happen. So I had 68 items in Google Reader and now I'm down to 43 and getting back to work.

I loved how you wrote about reading between the lines and picking up on body language and other signs. I am particularly bad at this naturally but since I became aware of it, I work on it constantly. But funny, I'm really good at it with kids :)

I totally understand about the shell around your body. I still need to lose the same amount (a month later) but I console myself with the fact that I'm not doing bad, fitness-wise (did you see on the take charge blog). So I say do it, join the gym. I have to join a gym - I get bored exercising by myself :)

Anyway, wanted to say HI and that I missed our e-conversations.

Enjoying your music too!

Marcia Francois said...

Oh my word

didn't realise my comment was so long - sorry! *gulp*

Irene said...

You are so right with what you said about paying attention. We take so much for granted, one, and second we try to do so many things perfectly, neglecting our greatest calling, being mothers and setting an example for our kids.
I wish I knew then what I know now, but I try to apply this simple rule to our lives: First take time to solve the problem , the argument, whatever it is that makes a child nervous. Everyone else has to wait!
Love and blessings.