Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I've been tagged ~ thanks Jenna & Marcia :o)

I was tagged by Marcia and then Jenna for this show your desk challenge. I explained to both that I do most of my blogging while feeding or holding Izzy on the couch (using my laptop). There is a desk in the den that Matt uses and then there's this one in my bedroom.
Okay, Julie... Ann... Haley... Judi... & Linda ~ it's your turn!

I just spoke to Izzy's teacher and one of her little classmates (Xavier) passed away. Very sad, I'm praying for his mother~just heartbreaking.

post signature


Robin Green said...

Just lovely--thank you very much!! ;)

Anonymous said...

How pretty! You've just inspired me to clean and beautify my own desk.

Julie said...

My desk is SO scary! It has become the landing place for all paper in the house. Sorry, there is NO WAY I am showing it to anyone!

Julie said...

I just finished reading your post and I saw the comment about Xavier. That is so heartbreaking. I will be praying for his family.

Anonymous said...

So pretty and dainty! Libby just walked by and said your lamp was cute, LOL. :o)

I am so sorry to hear about Xavier. That just breaks my heart. My prayers go out to them.

Mandalyn said...

I love your desk area! I would most definetly have to clean up before I showed mine!:)

My heart broke when I read that Izzy's classmate passed away! I will remember them in my prayers!

Jenny said...

So pretty! I love the fringe on the lamp...really nice! Thanks for sharing!!

ann said...

I see that you've tagged me which means I really need to clean up my computer area! I will post pictures tomorrow, both before and after since you've motivated me to do some deep cleaning!
I'm so sorry to hear about Xavier! The devil seems to be working overtime these days! All the more reason to put our prayer lives in highgear!

Haley said...

Thanks for the tag girlie! My picture is up! Your desk is lovely! I get the feeling your whole house must be decorated that beautifully. :-)


Haley said...

I am truly sad to hear about Izzy's classmate. Even though my heart hurts, I find solace in knowing that he is in a much better place. God must have needed another angel.

In Pursuit of His Call said...

Great looking desk area!!!

Marcia Francois said...

It is a gorgeous desk, Annie. Thanks for playing along. And that whole area reminds me very much of you - feminine and everything in order!

I am so overwhelmed by God's grace with the payments by the other therapist. It is so awesome - don't you just love when things like that happen? I know I do

Karen Hossink said...

Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog yesterday.

Your desk is so lovely!
I'm sitting at my desk, in the corner of the kids' play room. Not so pretty, but it is MY space and for that I am thankful. The desk is covered with papers and on occassion spare toys find there way here, but it's functional!

By the way, I love the music you have playing. In fact, part of me wants to continue typing comments just so I can keep listening! :)

Thanks for sharing. ~ Karen