Friday, December 7, 2007

know & tell friday

Question 1
What makes you cry?
Silly things like school programs and saying the pledge of allegiance. Not so silly things like watching someone give their heart to God... seeing my kids sad or in pain... funerals... seeing others cry... sappy commercials.
Question 2 (Hopefully this question will bring a little comic relief your way)
I am assuming everyone goes to their gyno for their regular checkups.... What do you do when you are getting you pap smear done?
Try to convince myself I don't need to use the restroom again! Make my grocery list in my head...
Question 3 (If you have recovered from question 2)
Dream Job (Being a wife and a mother is probably the number one answer, so for this question name an occupation or ministry that you would like to work in)
I loved planning ladies retreats for church... I loved doing prison ministry too... I like to feel needed.
Bonus Question (Going Deeper...)
What is one thing that you struggle with presently, or struggled with in the past that you hope does not get passed down to your children?
I am reserved sometimes and hope they can show their feelings without reserve.

click on the button to join this meme at to know Him.

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Nancy Face said...

I cry at every one of those things, and more...and I don't think they're silly! :o)

Ugh, I go to the gyno next week! But he's great...he talks SO MUCH that I don't have to make mental grocery lists, haha! :D

Anonymous said...

Fun read! I cry at all kinds of things too ;p
Hate gyno visits even though I really like our Dr...I usually stare at the ceiling wishing I were anywhere but there!
You already know my dream job...being a photographer of beautiful places and feasts :)

ohAmanda said...

Fun! I cry at everything, too!

Toknowhim said...

Thanks Annie for participating again.. I love your answer about convincing yourself that you do not need to go to the bathroom :), and I cry at many of the same things you do. Love your blog look!! I love this time of year :)

Jodi said...

Great answers! You make out your grocery list, eh?

I cry at sappy commercials too.

have a great weekend!

Karen Hossink said...

Going deeper, no joke! I could spend a lot of time thinking about that question. I pray God will make me wise in knowing what I need to pass on to my kids, and what they need to learn through their own experiences...I really would like to protect them from EVERYTHING, but I don't know if that's best. *sigh*

Busy Bee Lauren said...

Eeek...I am scared to go to the gyno one day but when I do, I will think of groceries too! hehe