Friday, November 16, 2007

robot baby, amanda, oklahoma and Izzy...

Thank you all for your concern and prayers about Amanda.  Her neck is still hurting and stiff, but she will be fine.  Thank God.  She saw Heath again yesterday and he is x-raying it Monday.  Her friend who was driving also has whiplash and is seeing her doctor.  The boy that hit them doesn't have any visible injuries and I am not sure if he or his riders have whiplash, it would seem reasonable to assume they do.  There are issues of not providing insurance information etc. that are being dealt with now.  Hopefully it will all work out fine.  I really am just so thankful that no one was injured badly.

I mentioned robot baby.  Amanda has named it after her boyfriend.  I would say it's a he or she... it came home from school yesterday in boy clothes but she raided our baby clothes drawer and has it dressed more stylish in some of Izzy's old clothes and shoes... and a ribbon around it's head.  I think it is technically a boy, but oh well.  She went to her friend's school play last night and had to take the baby.  She has a wrist band that will be cut off on Monday.  When the baby cries she has to be close enough to it to touch her wriststrap to it's sensor.  No leaving this baby behind.   It cried hysterically a few times yesterday.  She was funny and kinda panicky ... It has a bottle with a sensor and makes drinking noises until it's finished.  they diapers have a sensor so it knows when it has been changed.  She is taking a 9 week class in family and parenting so this is one of the requirements.  I think it is a good learning experience, but I regret that she is not in school today.  She was up with baby robot all night (it was crying a lot) and her neck hurts.  The combination was too much.  

I went to Emelia's school last night for a dinner theater fundraiser event.  They served bbq and since today is Oklahoma's 100th year celebration it was very much like the old show "hee haw."  It was a little long, but very entertaining and it made a great profit for her school.  

That's all for now, I'm off to Bear (with Izzy).
Speaking of Izzy... she is doing really good!  She loves the letter of the week in school and is very consistently choosing (by looking) at the letter we tell her to identify.  She just acts so intent to learn which is very exciting.  


Haley said...

So glad to hear that Amanda will be alright! It is also very exciting to hear that Izzy is doing so well at school with her letters! :-)

Hope things go well with bear today.



OKGardners said...

I love your active life. Reminds me of mine in the past while raising active children.

That Izzy will continue to surprise us all, I'm sure.

The fundraiser sounds like a cute idea "HeeHaw" style.

Amanda's "baby" sounds like a colic-stricken baby. Poor little thing. Maybe it needs "Grandma Annie" to rock it. LOL


Nancy Face said...

I'm so thankful Amanda and the others will be all right!

Robot Baby sounds REALLY annoying...I'm sorry he/she came along when Amanda has neck pain. Lauren had to do that in junior high, but her baby was not high was made out of a bag of flour, which sprung a leak, haha!

I'm glad Izzy is doing so well in school and enjoys her letters! :o)

I'm leaving town for a while, so no internet for me! Have a great weekend! :)

Tori :) said...

That robot baby sounds awesome. Seriously. What a great teaching tool.
I am so glad that Amanda is not badly injured.

Anonymous said...

What a fun school project!! I hoep you are taking lots of pics!

Justabeachkat said...

Not the best time for Amanda to have to deal with robot baby, but what a learning tool!

How great that Izzy Bear is doing so good and enjoying school.

What's happening with your computer. Do you have yours back?


Luke's Mom said...

I hope and pray that Amanda's neck will heal quickly, I'm so glad to know that she wasn't more injured, how scary to be in an accident.

It's also good to hear that Izzy is doing so great, you are blessed to have her be in such good health all the time.

Love in Christ,

workinthatpreppy said...

so scary about oldest just received his learners license three months ago. so glad she will be okay and nothing more serious. hubby is operating on a child right now injured in a bad car wreck. okay..i have "izzy" monogrammed on the fabric so hopefully i will finish soon and get it to you:o)

Tricia said...

Robot Baby is a very good idea. SOunds like something every school needs to do. I wonder if our school does that. I am glad to hear that Amanda is not too badly hurt and that Izzy is doing so well.

Michelle said...

Hi Annie.I'm so glad to hear that Amanda is allright!that's a great idea for a school fundraiser :)I think Izzy will surprise you yet!!!

ohAmanda said...

Your post was cracking me up! Robot baby?! Amanda had to be up with him all night--that made me lol!

Busy Bee Lauren said...

I am so glad I only had to carry around a flour sack baby! A robot baby?! I would have died. Tell Amanda I am sorry her neck is hurty... :(

Jenileigh said...

I am glad that Amanda is not seriously injured. I continue to pray for her pain to be released. We didn't have to endure the robot baby since we homeschool. How long do they have to keep it? Just the weekend? Izzy is growing up so fast. I'm glad she is enjoying learning.

If you have time and feel led would you come over and pray with me for a dear friend? Thanks

Jenny said...

Isn't that just the way it goes? A parent gets sick, and the baby cries all night. ;) I hope getting all the insurance info from the other guy driver gets easier. I assume he is responsible for Amanda's dr. bills?! I hope she gets to rest this weekend...

Shawna said...

Just dropping by to say hi, Annie! Very nice blog you have here!

Joyful Days said...

Continuing to pray for Amanda's neck--gracious it hurts just to think about. I've seen those babies & they are a really interesting concept.

Yay Izzy!! Awesome about the letters.

Always in Him,


Susan said...

Sorry to hear about the crash. Glad all is well and no serious injuries. The baby robot sounds very interesting!!! Wonderful to hear the good report on Izzy. I haven't been around much with all that is going on in my life.

Anonymous said...

I don't think my lot need any encouragement with the 'robot talk,' but I'm teasing really. Anything that helps gets my vote.
Best wishes

Julie said...

so glad Amanda is okay! Robot Baby is funny. sounds a lot like my little baby...can't leave him behind, has to always be near mom, up all night...

Yvonne said...

I'm so glad that Amanda is doing well.

I think those little robot baby things are great!!! The kids really learn a lot about taking care of a baby--being responsible for one!

Michelle said...

wow those pretend babies you get in high school have sure become high tech! Sensors and everything! Geesh! I had an egg in one class, and another year in health we had to carry around 5 lb sacks of flour..but there wasn't any monitoring like what she has with this robot baby! Of course you had to draw out of a hat what you had, and there were some that ended up w/twins and had to carry around 2 of the flour sacks LOL

Shawna said...

I'm glad she is ok. That is so scary. I hope her neck feels better fast.

They didn't have the actual "robot baby" to let kids take home when I was in school. It really kept her up all night?! I didn't think it would do that!

gail@more than a song said...

Glad she seems to be doing ok...I've heard about schools using those babies, sounds like a lot of work! And seems like such a real baby, crying all night and having to be fed and changed. A real learning experience!
Hope y'all had a good weekend Annie.

Nancy Face said...

Hi, Annie! I'm hoping you had a good weekend and that Amanda is feeling better! :)

Sonya said...

I got tired reading about all that's going on with you right now. You're my hero. I have no idea how you keep it all together!

Glad Izzy is doing so well! Thank goodness Amanda is ok.