Friday, November 30, 2007

know and tell friday week 2!

1.What scares you? Dogs! After being bit by a dog years ago they terrify me!

2. Coke or Pepsi (Diet counts)? I ♥ coke! I grew up drinking pepsi, but have made the switch. (sonic ice is necessary too)
3. I would love to try... sailing, skiing, anything new!
And now for a bonus question...
4. Spiritually speaking, do you have a Quiet Time? If so, where, when, and how long have you had one? If not, what is stopping you from having a Quiet time? (Quiet time is defined as time alone with God. It can consist of praying, reading God's word, and worship among many other things) I do have quiet time. I fall asleep praying and when I wake up I talk to God... when I am driving I talk to God... when I'm in the shower I talk to God. I grab every little minute of quiet to spend time with Him. I read my bible usually before getting out of bed. Sometimes I have to wait until the kids (minus Izzy) get to school. I also spend time in the car listening to teachings and worship music.

Thanks "To Know Him" for hosting this fun new meme!


Toknowhim said...

Yes, Annie I would agree we do have some things in common. I love to listen to worship music and teaching tapes (or radio ministry broadcasts) in the car too.

Thanks for participating and come back Friday. I will probably send reminders for a couple more weeks, until people are used to participating..


ohAmanda said...

I got bit by a dog, too, Annie--a collie! Can you believe Lassie bit me? I'm a little leery of dogs now. *shudder*

Theresa said...

I too find a quiet time in the car going to work each morning- no radio, just my prayers. Sometimes it is amazing how I just seem to be at work without remembering driving it.

Nancy Face said...

I love your bonus question...and your wonderful answer. All those moments you spend with God add up to tremendous blessings!

Busy Bee Lauren said...

What a fun meme!! you are cute :)