Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Another Meme

I saw this on Jenna's blog and decided to fill it out... fun stuff...

*Answer each question in 3 words--no more; no less.
Where is your cell phone? In purse, ringing
Boyfriend/girlfriend? Matt's my husband
Hair? blonde naturally curly
Your mother? she's at church
Your father? He's at church
Your favorite item(s)? Bible, laptop, necklace
Your dream last night? vomit at walmart
Your favorite drink? sonic ice coke
Your dream guy/girl? matt I suppose
The room you are in? in the den
Your fear? wrath of God
What do you want to be in 10 years? 47 and healthy.
Who did you hang out with last night? family and parents
What are you not? short, old, rested
Are you in love? Yes, I am
One of your wish list items? leather sectional sofa
What time is it? It is 8:50
The last thing you did? opened gum wrapper.
What are you wearing? blue shirt, jeans.
Your favorite book? The Holy Bible
The last thing you ate? burger, potato salad
Your life? busy and nonstop
Your mood? upbeat and optimistic
Your friends? the best kind
What are you thinking about right now? i need to....
Your car? big cheverolet suburban
What are you doing at this moment? blowing a bubble
Your summer? more of same
Your relationship status? I'm still married
What is on your tv screen? american idol singing
When is the last time you laughed? feeding matt icecream
Last time you cried? i don't remember
School? minored creative writing?????

post signature


Robin Green said...

Um, I've got that leather sectional you wanted...

KC said...

That was fun.. I might have to try this one sometime before monday :)
ONLY your answer to the Last thing you did had 4 words not 3... AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW shame on you LOL!!!!!!! :)

Annie said...

Not anymore! :)

KC said...

LOL LOL I was just messing around with you, I didn't mean for you to go back and change it LOL. BUT you did it.. YEAH!!!! you said the same thing in 3 words.. Yippie :)