Monday, October 22, 2007

happy monday and other stuff...

I didn't do a menu today. It's Monday. I still don't have a menu for this week. Shocking!
Matt informed me he wants to eat low carb. I don't get that at ALL. I love carbs. They are my favorite food group actually. So, for dinner I made him some herb crusted sauteed chicken breasts with salad and beans... I had a baked potato and some broccoli. Did I mention I'm on a diet? I am. I have lost about 17ish pounds. I am hoping for at least that many more before Christmas. Before you start saying, "You don't look like you need to lose that much ..." remember I am over six feet tall and so I really do. Anywho. The holidays are great motivation for me to lose weight.
I took Izzy to see Bear today. He showed me a few new exercises for her hips. We did therapy early this afternoon and I tried them out on my own. He is better at it. That's why he is the specialist I suppose. Oh well.
I've got about one more post to wrap up the vacation. I hope your not getting sick of seeing all the pics. It's seriously as much for me to have it written out as anything else. It was so much fun. I keep waking up every morning wishing I was still there. Really.
Amanda and Bailey went to a youth conference this weekend with church. They had a really good time. There have been several confirmations of our church choice being the right choice this weekend. I am so thankful that God has led us to this place. It is a blessing.
The sermon yesterday was about the paralytic that was lowered through the roof by his friends to see Jesus. These four friends knew the power of Jesus. They had faith. Otherwise they would not have gone through so much trouble to get this friend to see Him. I think we are to surround ourselves with friends like that. Full of faith. It was a very uplifting sermon.
It is 48 degrees here and raining. It's cold ya'll. Welcome Fall.
Tomorrow is Tuesday. Come back and describe the most serious accident or illness you have had. (sounds fun huh?)


A Captured Reflection said...

That's great re your loss Annie - I will be good and say you don't need to lose more,but let me say - you carry it will. Is that alright?

I was wondering how you manage to diet etc when you have so much on and looking after Izzy. It must be a real discipline. Good on ya (as they saw Down Under)

I wanted to ask a Qu about Meal Planning - do the whole family eat the same meal? My son is totally anti anything with cheese, a tasty sauce - he is great with veggies and fruit, but is more limited with mains, and my daughter hates the things he loves, but loves the things he hates, so basically I still end up cooking for hubby and I, and adapting for them...something not working somewhere here!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome about your weight loss! I just wanted to comment because I have recently lost weight too, AND have realized that the church we decided to join has really been a blessing for us too so we have two great things in common :)

Theresa said...

Great job on the 17 pounds, I too have been trying to lose lbs, since I have hit 35 it has been a struggle for me to lose weight.

The sermon at my church also was the help Moses needed in holding up his arms, and two people held them up for him. Yes we all need friends in our life like that.

Susan said...

I loved your comment to me today about The Word we are standing on. I'm standing with you....yes, you will proclaim loud and clear your victory as I have been able to proclaim ours. God is no respector of persons :o)

Confirmation about the church change......since David has come home I FULLY understand now why we had to leave the other church. David needed exactly to be in this church, under our very compassionate pastor, to win the victory he's just won. This God we serve never ceases to amaze me!!

Yvonne said...

Great job losing 17 pounds. I think Christmas is a good motivator--as long as it doesn't get too close to Christmas, then it's just TOO HARD TO SAY NO!!!

I love seeing all the pictures--looks like you guys had such a great time.

It's wonderful when you feel the hand of the Lord in your life.

Justabeachkat said...

Wow Annie - 17 poungs! You go girl!

Please share how you've done it. What plan are you following?


Busy Bee Lauren said...

Oh Annie, I am so glad to hear that you are having confirmations about your church! Nothing is better than the Lord confirming righteous decisions. I am so happy :)

17 pounds! Hooray for you!!

I love carbs too!

OKGardners said...

Great job RE: Weight Loss (I need to do that, too!)

With ALL that you do, I am always amazed that you have provided a written meal plan for months and months. Don't fret about not having one written down - NOW you are like all the rest of us. (Disorganized!) LOL

Enjoy your new church relationship. We also have a new church relationship that is working out great. Sometimes the Good Lord wants us to move around and "taste" of His benefits in new places.

God Bless your Family!

Luke's Mom said...

I just commented on Izzy's site asking about her hips, I should of read this blog first, oh well.
I'm so happy to hear that you are enjoying your new church, God is so good.

Love in Christ,

Nancy Face said...

Yours and Matt's meals both sound yummy! Congrats on all that weight loss! It's completely amazing, especially with the vacation and all! This time of year is the hardest for me to even maintain weight, let alone trying to lose any! :0

I love all your vacation posts, and I'm so glad there's another one coming! :o)

It's wonderful when there are good church activities for your teenagers! I'm glad your new church is blessing your lives. :)

Your fall sounds like our winter, haha! :D

Tori :) said...

17 pounds is awesome Annie!

Dena said...

17 pounds is AWESOME! Although I WILL say it- you don't need to lose any! I don't think I could ever tire os vacation photos - it's like being somewhere else!

I can't believe it's 48 degrees there! It's still in the 80s here!

ohAmanda said...

I'm so glad you're church is going good!

gail@more than a song said...

17 pounds! I need to come be around you for a while..I'd lost a few til I stayed at my daughter's house for so long cooking for them every day.
I too am glad you're feeling confirmation of your church choice.

Michelle said...

I could never do a no carb, or low carb diet - I think potatoes are my favorite food LOL